Improvements Made To The Church


Through the years following 1950, many improvements have been made to the church property. Most notable among them are the installation of beautiful Chancel Art Stained Glass windows.

The first of the 44 stained glass windows, the huge window above the altar, was dedicated on October 28, 1951.

Other improvements included renovation of the kitchen, installation of electric heat in the church social hall and the installation of a new oil-fired heating plant to replace the old Spencer coal-fired unit.

Alterations and Improvements from 1973-1996

1973: New tile installed in social hall and kitchen (Brotherhood)

1974: Altar Rail; From Arthur Kemmerer Fund; built & installed by Walter Weaver

1974: UCC Hymnals donated by the Members of the UCC Congregation

1974: Parking Lot blacktopped; funded by the Brotherhood

1974: New Communion-ware; funded by the Women’s Society

1974-1976:  Dishes (service for 250) plus other various kitchen equipment; kitchen countertop; funded by the Women’s Society

1975:  Illuminated Sign for Services (funded by the Board of Directors & Sunday School)

1977:  New roof installed over part of church; funded by the Board of Directors & Brotherhood

1978:  Church Steeple; funded by the following Memorial Funds: DePue, DeWalt, Diefenderfer, Paulus, Congregation Donations

1979:  Schulmerick Handbells funded by R. Erdman Memorial Fund

1979:  Schulmerick Carillon funded by Verona Laubach Memorial Fund

1982:  Harpsichord funded by Mrs. E. Schweitzer Memorial Fund & Women’s Society

1986:  Chalice and Paten funded by Elmer & Florence Barron, Victor & Edith Heckman

1987:  Cordless microphone for UCC Pastor; Adult Fellowship

1987:  Handicapped Ramp constructed and patching and sealing of parking lot; funded by Brotherhood

1991:  Brass Altar Vases; funded by Al & Joann Lauderman

1992:  New chandelier shades in sanctuary; funded by Ernie & Verna Werkheiser

1993:  Quilted wall hanging of old and new churches of Farmersville; created by Quilters Group

1993:  New Altar Paramounts (Green & Blue); funded by James & Barbara Vernon in loving memory of Catherine Stout; (White) funded in part by Ray & Ruth Remaley in loving memory of Ester Ort; (White) funded in part
by Arlene Elsenbaumer in loving memory of husband Donald W. Elsenbaumer

1994:  Oil tank removed; 2 smaller tanks installed; funded by Quilters, Adult Fellowship, donations from the Lutheran and U.C.C. Congregations

1994:  New storage cabinet for Paramounts built by Robert Buss and George Kichline

1994:  New Christian Flag (Elmer Barron) and American Flag (Joint Board)

1994:  Church Pew Bibles purchased by Woolverton Family in memory of Dana Mae and Cindy Woolverton.

1995:  Paul Vliet constructed Pew Bible holders. Installed by Paul Vliet and Elmer Barron. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Finkbeiner defrayed the costs.

1996:  Candelabra’s were modified to attach to Pews for use in weddings and Christmas Eve Services; installed by Richard Datesman, Bruce Koehler and David Schaeffer.

1996:  Christmas tree ornaments purchased by U.C.C. Adult Fellowship Group.

20??: Video Projectors and A/V Room donated and installed by Paul Prass & Austin Prass

2018: Church Makeover – New Carpeting, Bathrooms, Coffee Center, and Furniture

2021: Parsonage was Finalized and Dedicated