125th Anniversary Service

Order of Service – 125th Anniversary

St. John’s Union Church

January 30, 1972

125th Anniversary Service

Mr. Robert F. Heller, U.C.C. Pastor | Mrs. Arlo Babp, Lutheran Organist


“Voluntary in C. Major” by Henry Purcell; Trumpets and Organ Trumpets – Alan Babp and David Arner

Processional Hymn

“The Church’s One Foundation”

Responsive Reading

Pastor: The Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before Him.

People: O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.

Gloria Patri

Scripture Lesson: Psalm 127:1

“Nun Danket Alle Gott” – Chorale

“Now Thank We All Our God” – J.S. Bach

Men’s Choir, St. John’s U.C.C., Nazareth

Selection: “Let The People Sound His Praise” by G. F. Handel

Men’s Choir, St. John’s U.C.C., Nazareth

Greetings – Dr. Wm. T. Longsdorf, Conference Minister: U.C.C.

Greetings – Rev. Jan C. Walker, Assistant to the President, Lutheran Synod: LCA

Selections: “Take Not Thy Holy Spirit” by Ralph Williams

“Rise Up, O Men of God” by Kenneth Jennings

Men’s Choir, St. John’s, Nazareth

Anniversary Address

Dr. John R. Weinlick, Dean Emeritus of Moravian Seminary


Anthem: “Gloria in Excelsis” by Mozart – Joint Choir

Offering Response “We Give Thee But Thine Own”

Prayer, Lord’s Prayer

Benediction, 3-Fold Amen

Recessional Hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers”

Chimes, Silent Meditation